Mr. Cho is one of Korea's leading bridge design experts and currently serves as a shareholder and Chairman of BANDI. He served as the head of the structural division of Yooshin Corporation, where he designed many suspension and long-span bridges in Korea, including the Yi Sunshin Bridge and the Yeongjong Bridge, making Yooshin one of the country's leading companies in the structural field. Afterward, he served as the head of the structural division and president of Pyunghwa Engineering Consultants(PEC), and early on, he turned his attention to the overseas market and made many contributions to the company's achievements in the overseas market, including winning world-class projects such as the Canakkale Bridge in Turkiye. At BANDI, he continues to play a major role in the growth of BANDI.
Dr. Hyun-seok Hong has been the CEO of BANDI since its inception. Prior to the establishment of BANDI, Dr. Hong served as Senior Vice President and Head of the Overseas Bridge Department of the Structural Division of Pyunghwa Engineering Consultants(PEC), where he was responsible for the design of projects such as the world-famous Canakkale Bridge in Turkiye and the Third Bosphorus Bridge in Turkiye, and also participated in many EPC bridge projects in Kuwait, Brunei, Taiwan, Chile, and India, making great contributions to the global reputation and status of PEC for long-span bridges. After completing the detailed design of the Canakkale Bridge, he decided to establish BANDI ba
As one of the founders of BANDI, Mr. Kim oversees sales and marketing in overseas markets.
He previously served as Executive Vice President in charge of the Engineering division at SK E&C, where he played a pivotal role in the company’s significant development in the bridge field. Mr. Kim also made significant contributions to Pyunghwa Engineering Consultants(PEC) in the overseas business field. He served as Project Director of the PMB Project in Brunei, which was the first Project Management Consultancy service project awarded to a Korean Consultant, and as Design Director of the New Ganga Bridge in India, which is the longest extradosed bridge in the world.